The relationship between a guy and a girl, who have not yet decided how serious their feelings are, is like a difficult dance. In it, partners change places and roles, trying to find a common rhythm and style. The slightest quarrel and disagreement can become a reason for resentment, everyone is afraid to make concessions so that they are not perceived as weakness.

Step 1
If you only recently met and exchanged phone numbers, then it will not be very difficult to prevent yourself from calling first. After all, you are not yet very familiar and are not at all sure that this is the same prince you are waiting for. In this case, you will quite cope with the urge to call. Just forbid yourself to do this, remembering the wise saying that there is nothing worse than an obsessive woman, and continue your normal life as if there were no meeting.
Step 2
In the event that your relationship has already gone far enough and you do not want to lose your boyfriend, then there is nothing wrong with a phone call on your initiative. Especially if a quarrel or a tense situation arose through your fault. And only if the reaction to your call was negative, forbid yourself to call again. Do not sit at home waiting for a phone call from him - meet with friends, communicate, be among people.
Step 3
Take all your shared photos out of sight, hide all his gifts. Don't call his friends, avoid companies where you can meet. Try, even if it is very difficult, to cross him off the list of acquaintances. If he doesn't make contact, there is no point in your attempts. By doing this you will only humiliate yourself, but you will not achieve anything. Put a fat point in the relationship.
Step 4
Change everything that is possible: dress style, hairstyle, hobbies. During this period, the main thing is not to get depressed and not to doubt yourself, your attractiveness. Devote the free time from dating to yourself: start exercising in the fitness center, going to the pool, jogging in the park in the morning. In addition to the fact that physical activity can distract your thoughts, it will help you tidy up your figure, and give you the feeling of euphoria that arises from exertion. And euphoria is a good mood and a feeling of happiness.
Step 5
Find an activity that can also help you forget about the urge to call first. Go on a journey, change your surroundings, meet new places and people. The world around you is so diverse that there is no point in limiting yourself in new acquaintances.