It's no secret that today, having a computer at hand and choosing a dating site, you can easily meet a man from any country in the world. For example, from India. If the dream of a potential bride's whole life was just such an acquaintance, you need to carefully prepare for close communication with the applicant for her hand and heart, and try to understand the features that distinguish a Hindu man from a compatriot.

Step 1
Create an account on social networks, register on dating sites, send your photo and a detailed questionnaire to dating agencies. Within a couple of weeks, an Indian citizen is likely to answer you. To be faithful, you can openly write in the questionnaire that you dream of a Hindu, love their culture, etc.
Step 2
If a long (or not so) correspondence and calls make a new friend want to come and meet in person - this can already be considered a very good sign. Not every man will travel great distances to meet a girl of little interest to him.
Step 3
During this period, it is important not to overstep the permissible boundaries and in no case invite a guest to live at home. Firstly, a man who is sufficiently wealthy should be able to pay for hotel accommodation, walks with the bride and trips to a cafe or restaurant. Secondly, the culture of India, even the modern one, is such that a girl who began acquaintance with intimacy and living under one roof will not be considered as a future wife. Therefore, for the time being, it is necessary to maintain a distance. Thirdly, if during a personal meeting something goes wrong and the "groom" is not to the court, you can painlessly and honestly part with him, continuing the search for your happiness.
Step 4
Perhaps after the first meeting, the man will call the bride to his homeland, and here a surprise may await her. Either the groom's relatives will not know about her existence at all (which speaks of frivolity of intentions), or the future husband will immediately bring the bride to the house where his numerous relatives live, who, believe me, will not hesitate to ask even the most immodest questions. The thing is that a wife in India is chosen as a thing, i.e. a woman should have good physical characteristics, good heredity, a craving for the arts and the ability to maintain a conversation.
Step 5
It is worth noting that wealthy enough men in India will most likely look for a wife from their circle. So, most likely, it will not work to become the bride of the Maharajah. And to conquer the heart of a Hindu can only be consistent with the ideas of the men of this country about love and beauty.
Step 6
An Indian wife devotes most of her time to caring for her husband, cooking (and it is significantly different from the Slavic one) and only then takes care of children and other duties.
Step 7
Hindus are very anxious about the implementation of religious rules, which must be followed without fail. Disputes and clarifications with a Hindu husband are a thing incompatible with marriage. So a woman will have to look for a way to solve problems with diplomacy and tenderness.
Step 8
And of course, India is famous for its art of love. So, being a beautiful and desired lover is one of the first steps to achieve happiness in a family with a Hindu husband.