Everyone knows the day of April 1 - a holiday when everyone wants to play you. This day is even notorious for many: usually on the first day of April, people who cannot stand rallies suffer the most. But it also happens that the first of April extends to other days - just for the sake of laughter, for the sake of interest, to test a person or to amuse him.

Step 1
Connect all the fantasy that you only have in stock, but at the same time try to make sure that your draw was somehow timed to some special day. For example, to the anniversary of your relationship, or to the New Year, or to meet your parents. For example, put a gift for him under the Christmas tree in the living room and tell him that it is from Santa Claus.
Step 2
Before you prank a guy, think if he will like it. After all, you will spend a lot of effort to come up with an original prank, and he will make claims to you that you do not like him, that you are mocking him, and so on. For such delicate instances and jokes, you need to come up with less cruel ones. For example, you should not invite an angry uncle into the house of a friend who will attack your young man for allegedly bothering you, and present this uncle as your dad. After all, this is your beloved, your young man - so be humane.
Step 3
You can combine a prank with a pleasant surprise. For example, sitting on a high terrace in a restaurant or cafe at the extreme table, accidentally nudge your friend's wallet with your elbow, having previously replaced it with a cheap copy; and when the guy gets rid of the shock and you hand him a real wallet, then inside the wallet there will be a gift card from an expensive men's suits store or something like that. Then both the gift and the rally will be remembered by the young man, if not forever, then for a long time. But do not overdo it: what if his wallet is so dear to the guy that at the sight of the latter flying into the abyss, the unfortunate man suffers a blow?..
Step 4
If you wish, you can connect your friends and acquaintances. However, this option is acceptable if, for example, you are going to go to a party. If a guy this evening from the very beginning is set up to communicate only with you, then he is unlikely to really like the big loud shocking prank. Therefore, before getting down to business, watch your soul mate: maybe he is not at all in the mood for pranks today.
Step 5
You can (for the brilliance of impressions) combine the planned party, for example, on the occasion of a young man's birthday, with your prank of the century. Suppose you revealed to your loved one a terrible secret: that when he comes home, a whole crowd of people with gifts and serpentine will be waiting for him. He comes home - nobody. In the refrigerator, the mouse hanged herself. In general, the apartment has such a view that no one has been here since the morning (or even longer). Further, regardless of the reaction of your half, you call him on your mobile and invite him to look out the window, and there the words "Happy birthday!" Are composed of sparklers in the snow.