Sometimes someone wants to bring something fresh and cheerful to a repetitive and boring life, but someone wants to bring something fresh and cheerful to an already active life. One of the ways is to play a prank on a loved one, or even better - your own unsuspecting husband, because often people around you usually do not expect a prank. Such actions cause not only a smile, but also a sincere laugh.

Step 1
Do you know him well enough? Then you already know his weaknesses, vulnerabilities and fears. Use his trust - without this, the husband will suspect that something is wrong or will not show that everything has become clear to him; the draw will fail. The most suitable is what other people find offensive, but your spouse does not. Note that the better you know the person closest to you, the more spectacular and memorable prank you will get. Try it!
Step 2
You don't know him very well? In this case, use popular options for pranking, for example: sending a fake SMS (or an erroneous one to the husband's number - "Dear! My husband has finally left for work. I'm waiting!"); in the morning in the bathroom, leave the switch on the shower and point the watering can towards the sink; cut a tube of toothpaste and fill it with mayonnaise … Train your imagination, use all your imagination - the harder you try (just don't go too far), the more cheerful emotions you will give your spouse.
Step 3
The drawing can be either simple or everyday: show a test with two stripes; put newspapers under the sheet and wait for the spouse to get ready for bed; husband to do a manicure at night or attach a brooch to work clothes. A joke can tickle the nerves and be more difficult to execute, for example: to connect with threads the objects in the room and the door handle; wake up and ask an unusual question like "Where are you going with the keys to the tractor?" etc.
Step 4
Use your imagination if your faithful himself is actively interested in practical jokes and often amuses his loved ones and work colleagues. Try your best, connect all parts of your brain - because playing a person who is aware of this topic is much more difficult. However, the task will be easier if you do everything yourself, since people usually take pranks from the network or books; yours is original and it will be impossible to predict it. Go for it!