You are lucky to have a dream man next to you, and everything seems to be going well. But he stubbornly keeps silent about his feelings. And, as a true woman, you begin to think that, apparently, something is wrong, if his attitude towards you is a secret sealed with seven seals. In this case, it is best to pay attention to how he behaves around you. After all, actions always speak better than the most pleasant words.

Step 1
Observe how your beloved treats you. Does he care about what would be good for you next to him, whether he takes care of you or thinks and speaks only about himself. In the first case, you really might think that he is not indifferent to you. Let him show all his best qualities, since the desire to help, even if it is inconvenient and unprofitable for himself, concern about a loved one is a clear manifestation of feelings. But keep in mind that a person who is focused on himself / herself is an egoist, for whom his own well-being is above all else, try to avoid communicating with such men, with them you will always feel deprived of attention.
Step 2
Check how close he wants to be to you. If your man does everything in order to spend as much time as possible together, calls several times a day, rushes to you as soon as possible, and even the prospect of communicating with your mother does not scare him, then his feelings for you are very deep. Call him and suggest an unscheduled meeting. If, in response to your offer, he utters a bunch of stupid excuses, then your relationship cannot be called love. If he meets you from time to time and only when it is convenient for him - most likely, he simply uses you as a sexual object, you will not wait for love from him.
Step 3
Pay attention to whether he knows how to give in. Love requires a couple to find compromises while respecting their partner's feelings and passions. If he is able to meet your desires, give up some established habits, then he, most likely, not only sympathizes with you, but also experiences a strong attraction. Try to simulate a situation in which he will have to sacrifice his interests, if you did not have to negotiate with him before. This will help you figure out how important your opinion is to him and whether he knows how to push his own desires at least a little back. Do not abuse his willingness to give in. Constant suppression of desires is bad for the development of relationships.
Step 4
Tell your chosen one about your dreams, tastes, interests. For a man in love, the inner world of his chosen one is important. In addition, finding common hobbies will help you strengthen your relationship.
Step 5
Connect your intuition, because there is no woman who does not have a sixth sense. Observe him and draw impartial conclusions, and then his attitude towards you will become as clear as day.