The feeling of love comes suddenly - it seems to cover your head. The loved one seems ideal, the best in the world. And they are ready to live their whole life with him and never be separated. But not every feeling of love is durable, often it is replaced by ordinary attachment to a person.

Step 1
How do you sort out your feelings and understand whether you love or live with each other through a strong habit?
First, you should find out why such thoughts came to your mind, for sure you began to dislike something in the relationship. And this is understandable, because after some time of life together, passion dulls, there is no novelty of emotions, so the relationship becomes quite calm and monotonous. This can cause boredom and thoughts that love is long gone. Is it worth living together then?
Step 2
Don't jump to conclusions. The fact that you are now not experiencing every minute outbursts of passion, as in those days when you started dating, is a natural phenomenon. But it doesn’t mean that love is over. It's just that your feeling has moved to a new, more mature level. One must be able to preserve it.
Step 3
Psychologists identify several signs of family relationships, by which you can understand whether you still love each other or live by affection. Your partner is imperfect, but you are happy with him.
For example, you have always dreamed of being an athlete and activist, but you married a homebody who spends his free time reading magazines and books. When the first emotional decline of your feelings passes, you begin to soberly assess your partner, clearly see all his shortcomings and habits that you did not notice during the period of passionate love. At this very time, it is worth deciding for yourself whether you can live with the shortcomings of your beloved. Moreover, it is precisely not to get along and endure, but to live happily and calmly, accepting a person as he is.
Step 4
You feel confident and comfortable with the person.
You are not worried that now you do not walk all night long, and your husband does not climb into your bedroom through an open window. You understand that the couple has other joys. You are happy that your loved one, returning from work, does not forget to buy you your favorite cookies, that you fall asleep on his shoulder every night. Of course, in married life there is a place for unusual impressions and emotions. It all depends on you and your imagination. Do not think that family life is boring and monotonous. You just love and appreciate your chosen one, even if he does not suit you with daily grandiose entertainment.
Step 5
kill even the strongest feelings. If spouses truly love each other, they will try to find compromises in controversial situations.
Step 6
Love builds self-confidence.
Having a reliable, loving "rear", you can conquer more and more new peaks for yourself. The support of a loved one is what gives us strength, instills confidence in the future.
Step 7
Speaking about love, it is worth saying a few words about habit. Is the situation really so hopeless when you understand that there is no more love, only attachment remains? It often happens that love passes, people quickly part and forget about each other. But it can be very difficult to let go of a person you are used to. Habit is a terrible force.
Therefore, before you ruin a relationship, think about whether your habit is just another form of love.