17, 5 months - this is how much time, according to scientists, people need to rehabilitate after parting with their beloved. But there is some good news: 98% of people under the age of 28 quickly find a soul mate to replace the lost one. However, it also happens that the former partner becomes this half. And here many find it difficult to answer why this happens, what is the main one: love or habit.

People meet and disperse - these are normal life cycles. However, when they converge again, there is reason to think about what exactly pushed them back into each other's arms. Some argue that this is love. Others admit it is a habit. But it is difficult to immediately understand what exactly makes you renew the relationship with your ex.
If this is love
It is difficult to confuse love with anything. It is quite explosive and unpredictable. Blood boils, hormones play. Such a feeling for the ex can arise most often if the separation took place at the peak of the relationship and was very stormy. In addition, such a manifestation of feelings is typical if you broke up for a trifling reason. Naturally, when it comes to treason, a big fireworks display is hardly worth waiting for.
However, it should be understood that love is not youthful, but mature. This, naturally, is distinguished by a less violent expression of feelings. However, in terms of its strength, it is no less. By the way, this is often confused with a habit or routine. In fact, it is many times stronger than the "hormonal" version, because it is no longer guided by passions. And the chances of a union in which people entered again precisely under the influence of such love are much higher.
As a rule, relations are renewed because the partners, having lived separately from each other, realized that they had lost and what reasons pushed them to part. Usually this is an escape from a frightening routine, when it seems that everything is already in the past. And only at a distance from the beloved one can estimate how dear he is.
Couples who rekindle a relationship out of habit are generally considered strong as well. After all, they got together anew, because they appreciated the convenience of living together and realized that they were good together, even despite the absence of violent romantic passions. True, in such couples there is a risk of parting again if the partner suddenly falls in love and decides to try from scratch with another person.
In all other cases, habit and family relationships are considered an excellent tandem. Strong and reliable. In addition, when two people converge out of habit, their union becomes richer and more interesting. After all, they do not strive to be with each other around the clock. They are not dependent on each other. As a result, each couple may have their own hobbies and interests. And this, according to psychologists, significantly strengthens the marriage.
The main thing in such a relationship is not to slide into complete indifference. Indeed, in this case it will be the usual coexistence of two adults on the same square. In such a relationship, children may even appear, but it is not a fact that they will be happy.