Love and affection sometimes exist, complementing each other. This means that relationships between people are beautiful and harmonious. Enriching each other, these two feelings can provide a long and lasting union. It’s another matter if attachment replaces love, and it’s completely sad when it becomes a habit.

The union of love and affection
Love can bring people great happiness, give harmony and absolute unity with each other, and it can turn into suffering and pain. It's wonderful when this feeling is mutual, then it literally inspires people. True, sometimes they confuse true love with a short and fleeting love or with a stormy, but quickly passing passion. True love is a deep, mature feeling that makes you look at yourself and the world around you in a new way.
It is love that gives rise to attachment, because a loving person cannot but experience it in relation to the object of his love. He misses in separation and cannot imagine life without his soul mate. If love and affection exist in harmonious unity, they contribute to the creation of a long and wonderful union of two loving hearts.
Habit or attachment as a substitute for love
It so happens that, a few years after meeting or getting married, love leaves, leaving room only for habit or affection. Affection can even give the illusion of love for a while. People who experience it still need each other, they are pleased to be around, the presence of a loved one in their life brings a sense of harmony and security. At the same time, in a relationship there is no longer the former reckless passion, immense admiration for a loved one. She does not give those vivid emotions that only love can bring to life.
If a person begins to notice in his partner the flaws that annoy him, then he is experiencing only attachment or habit, but not love. Attachment and habit are often identified with each other, but these are, perhaps, different feelings. If attachment still presupposes some kind of warmth, tenderness and a desire to take care of a loved one, then the habit can be reduced only to coexistence, accompanied by mutual boredom and unwillingness to change anything for fear of losing a certain comfort.
The easiest way to tell love from habit or attachment is to be apart for a while. Loving people will suffer in separation, strive for each other, and the longer it continues, the stronger the desire to see a loved one will grow. If the relationship was based on habit or attachment, they will gradually begin to experience mutual cooling, and the desire to see each other will quickly disappear.