Affection is sympathy and sincere affection for a person, often expressed in the need to constantly spend time together. Attachment itself is not a serious feeling, but it can develop into love. It happens that attachment is a consequence of love between people. It also happens that people mistake attachment for love.

What kind of attachment is there
Affection is one of the first feelings that a person has. Certain objects or people make him feel calm and secure from early childhood. So, already in infants, attachment to parents, brothers or sisters, toys is formed.
To understand how attachment arises, it is helpful to find out what types of attachment occur. Attachment, which inevitably arises during friendship or love, is considered normal. It is characterized by the fact that a person feels good with the object of affection, he seeks to spend more time with him. At the same time, a person does not associate himself with the one to whom he is attached. When parting, there is no "loss of oneself", although sadness, sadness, melancholy can be felt. In general, feelings can be really strong, but there is no tantrum or depression.
There is also painful emotional attachment, in which a person does not think of himself without the object of attachment. If there is a threat of parting, he feels extremely bad, mental instability, depression manifests itself. As long as the object of attachment is nearby, you can see signs of selfish behavior, such as jealousy. Too strong attachment is painful, it always makes a person unhappy, regardless of whether the one to whom he is attached is next to him or not.
The emergence of affection
Formation of attachment is a natural process for humans, which has developed during evolution. It is on attachment that social relationships between people are built, because otherwise no benefit from coexistence would prevent the warring individuals from scattering.
Attachment is formed through complex reactions, neurobiological, psychological and chemical. It begins with the fact that people understand that they are interested and good together. They try to meet more often, and more and more they are connected: now it is not only common interests or commonality of characters, but also the events that they experienced together.
People who contribute to the emergence of positive emotions always seem necessary to a person. If you feel happy around someone, you will try to be with them as often as possible. This is called attachment.
But it so happens that a person underestimates himself. Due to low self-esteem and self-doubt, he thinks that the object of affection will not want to stay or date with him. Then he tries to "defend himself" by becoming more attached, becoming jealous and doing other things that in reality only alienate people from each other. This is how a painful attachment is formed, which needs to be worked on with a psychologist: this is an unhealthy condition.