If the relationship is broken, you can try to restore it. This will take a lot of desire, a lot of patience and a fair amount of wisdom, but if a man is really dear to you, you can handle it.

Step 1
Remember that if a man is packing his suitcases, it means that the atmosphere in the family does not suit him. The woman is solely responsible for creating a spiritual relationship. Therefore, one should not blame him for all sins. You are also to blame. This is true even if the husband is about to go to his mistress. The reason is still the lack of a kind atmosphere in the family. Otherwise, he would not have gone to look outside for what he lacks at home. The first thing you must do is realize that you are responsible for everything that happens.
Step 2
Having realized this, it is very easy to carry out point two. Namely, stop brawling, nagging, blaming and blaming a man for all misfortunes. It is because of this that most of the problems arise. What man wants to go back to where he gets scolded and humiliated? Naturally, when a woman behaves in this way, she does not think about her husband, but about her grievances. Perhaps they seem to be really valid. But if it came to the point that the relationship needs to be restored, it is necessary to forget about the grievances and think about how to return the atmosphere of love to your family.
Step 3
From here follows the third point - not to scold, but to praise. It doesn't matter for what. For taking out the trash, for going out for bread. Even for the fact that he woke up on time, one can also praise! You yourself have probably noticed more than once what a magical effect praise can produce. If you say them sincerely, a person will feel the wings behind his back. So give this feeling to your man more often! Surely he is not spoiled by compliments from you.
Step 4
Talk to your significant other more often, do it sincerely and with confidence. Most misunderstandings in a couple stem from the fact that a man does something differently from what the woman thinks, and in response she closes in on resentment. But if you sit down and sort it out, you will understand that he did this not to annoy you, but simply because he thinks and acts differently. A man may not even know that some of his actions offend you. Therefore, you need to explain to him every time what exactly you did not like. And do it in a calm, friendly conversation. Make it a rule to talk to a man like your best friend, and you yourself will be surprised how quickly happiness and love will return to your relationship.