People living with HIV sometimes really need support and heart-to-heart communication, and they are best understood only by people who have faced the same problem, so every person diagnosed with HIV will be interested in learning how to get to know other HIV-positive people.

Step 1
Although people living with HIV often feel lonely in their illness, this is actually not the case. In our society, it is not customary to disclose their HIV status, so many HIV-infected people do not even suspect how many are like them. The only problem is how to recognize the "fellow in misfortune". And this is where AIDS centers come to the rescue. You can make HIV acquaintances right here, sitting in line to an infectious disease specialist. Having a common theme will quickly turn the dialogue into a friendly channel.
Step 2
For those who are embarrassed to make acquaintances openly, at all the same AIDS centers, self-help groups are organized for people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA). The group's work schedule is usually posted right on the walls of the corridors of the hospital. Any patient can join this group. It is in such groups that many HIV-infected people find friends, and sometimes their soul mates. In addition, psychologists are often invited to self-help groups to help patients receive a diagnosis and get rid of bad habits.
Step 3
Some AIDS centers also have self-help groups for HIV-positive pregnant women and HIV-infected mothers. Here women can talk about the most intimate without prying eyes.
Step 4
Social networks provide a lot of space for HIV dating. All major social networks have dedicated communities dedicated to HIV / AIDS. Here you can not only find friends, but also ask questions of interest to specialists, discuss controversial issues, find articles and videos on topics of interest.
Step 5
There are separate forums for communication of PLWHA on the network, it is very easy to make acquaintances here, because there are separate branches for specific cities. Many HIV-infected people prefer forums to social networks, because here you can remain incognito, and there is no chance that someone from your acquaintances will accidentally look into the discussions, see messages and learn about the diagnosis.
Step 6
Those HIV-infected who are specifically looking for a soul mate should register on a special dating site for PLWHA. To register, you will need to fill out a questionnaire, where there are questions not only about HIV, but also about other diseases. It is no secret that many HIV-infected people also have Hepatitis C. By filling out the questionnaire, you can find a partner with exactly the same diagnoses as yours.