"A dog is biting only from the life of a dog …" - is sung in the famous song. But what about people? Don't people become bad because the world is cruel and unjust to them? After all, a person, as a being "twice reasonable", is endowed with the ability to think and choose. So what do people who are considered bad choose.

Is a person really that bad? Anyone can label a person as “bad”. But can everyone be able to reasonably and impartially explain why he did it? More often than not, people instinctively lash out with accusations at those who hurt themselves: they scolded, criticized, did not appreciate. A person may not be so bad, but in the subjective view of the opponent, to have the most unattractive assessments. Dog life Unfortunately, a song that is fair in relation to dogs can be just as fair for humans. A person sometimes finds himself in very difficult conditions: hunger, devastation, war. And not everyone is able to withstand the burden of external pressure and maintain a truly human appearance. Even mild, but regular everyday difficulties can make a person embittered. Education Education plays a huge role in the formation of a person's personality. If a child grew up in a healthy and loving atmosphere, where mutual understanding and respect for each other reigns, then he will most likely grow up to be a peace-loving person. Constant family scandals, swearing destroy the most important thing in a person - the ability to get along with people and see them as friends. You can't spoil porridge with butter, you can't spoil a person with kindness. In addition to external difficulties and upbringing, of course, there are many factors that contribute to the fact that a person will become bad … An important thing to understand: pushing a bad person away from yourself means aggravating the severity of his situation. So-called "bad" people are rarely happy. Only warmth, creativity, patience and love can make a good person out of a bad person. Good people - where are they? If there are bad people, then, for sure, there are good ones - a role model for the “bad” ones. What are they? In fact, every person has his own standard of classifying the other as "good", his own criteria. Therefore, it is very difficult to objectively say that this or that person is good or bad. When making such an assessment, one can rely on traditional values, generally accepted moral norms. But even with this approach, the assessment will not be unambiguous.