Men are like watches - they need to be constantly wound up. After all, the stronger sex also needs affection and attention, even if the beloved is not around. Therefore, it is so important to be able to show your man that you love him, for example, by sending SMS. After all, not everyone will like frequent calls to a mobile phone. This can be perceived as an encroachment on freedom, as well as an attempt to check what a man is doing at one time or another.

Step 1
Write to your loved one how much you miss him and look forward to seeing him. Here is an interesting message for such an occasion: “Someone does not do this at all, someone once a month, a week. And I do it all the time and even now - I miss you!.
Step 2
Let's say your man has a birthday today, and you want to please him even before he comes home and a festive dinner. Use one of the SMS services. In this way, you can send not only an interesting text message, but also a musical wish. This will surely be a pleasant surprise.
Step 3
In the end, you don't have to look for an excuse to text your beloved boyfriend. Express your admiration for his endurance and strength by writing, for example, the following lines: “When I’m next to you, I don’t notice anything around. I only admire and proud of you. There is no one better than anyone, I know that! " Or here's another: “Your eyes are piercing, and you are beautiful. You are unique, genius, sexy! Yes, it is, but don't be arrogant - love me and smile more often!"
Step 4
Write something funny to your man, using, again, one of the SMS services - make the guy smile. This will definitely brighten up his gray working days and cheer him up. Here is a message your chosen one will surely like: “I wanted to send you something fabulously beautiful, fantastically erotic, sensual, infinitely funny and smart. But, unfortunately, I do not fit on the screen ….
Step 5
Alternatively, you can write a more frank message - bewitching and intriguing. Make him fly to you on the wings of love. To do this, write him an exciting message when he leaves work home, and your man will not linger on the way - in a matter of minutes he will be at the door. And the text of the SMS can be something like this: “I just got out of the shower. Transparent water droplets caress my skin. What a pity that these are not your gentle hands!"