A loved one is worthy not just a postcard, not just recognition - he should write a whole book. After all, a limited number of words is not enough to express all the love, all the admiration … Therefore, feel free to arm yourself with a pen and paper (or sit down at your computer and start a text editor) and start writing.

Step 1
No, stop! Nobody starts a book just like that, with a bunch of buzz. First, think about what your book will be. After all, this concept is extensible to a certain extent. You can collect all your favorite photos and arrange a large album, accompanying the images with original captions, quotes that accurately reflect the essence of the photo, or your own poems. How dear this book will be for a loved one! Is it worth starting the fifth volume of "War and Peace" if your loved one will appreciate such a gift?
Step 2
If you still want to feel like Chekhov, Tolstoy, or at least someone less significant, then do not rush into all the bad things. Your book can also be documentary, it can be a story, a short novel, or a big article, an essay, a discourse, a collection of prose poems. If you feel the talent of a poet in yourself, you can take up a poem (just don't confuse yourself with Homer and dedicate a new Iliad to your beloved). Here you only need your preferences and a sober assessment of your own abilities. Do not take on what you definitely do not know how to do: it will turn out vulgar and ugly.
Step 3
Design your book accordingly. After all, you are writing it to the dearest person in the world. You are bound by love, passion, common interests and dreams … Therefore, when designing your creation, take into account not only your own ideas about taste, harmony and beauty, but also the ideas of a young man. You can be sure pink and scented paper are great, and he would like to see an antique leather cover and some ink stains printed on some of the pages.
Step 4
Whatever you write and however you design your creation, do it all with love. After all, such a gift, most likely, you will have to give only once, so much effort is required to create it. Therefore, in any case, do not rush and, on the contrary, do not unnecessarily delay the process. It is better to have a few days off after finishing work than a whole month before starting work. Do everything with great attention and love, and your loved one will definitely appreciate the gift.