Getting used to a new class is not an easy task. Getting into an unfamiliar environment, a person initially feels some confusion. To join the team and not feel lonely, you need to find friends.

Step 1
Be interesting. Who wants to communicate with a "dummy"? Read more good books, watch educational programs and films. Improve your hobbies, try yourself in various activities.
Step 2
Be natural. Do not push away, do not frighten others with your vulgarity. Goodwill and sincerity will attract friends to you. By the way, smoking and alcohol is not only vulgar, but also very detrimental to health.
Step 3
Find your style. Of course, the style can be different, but it should match your appearance and your character. Choose for yourself such clothes in which you will feel confident, relaxed, free. Be yourself, do not mindlessly copy the "trendsetters". Become a trendsetter yourself.
Step 4
Lead a healthy lifestyle. Go in for sports, sign up for the sports section. Do specific exercises for different muscle groups. This will help you become a fit, confident person. This will win over your friends.
Step 5
Take care of your posture. Stooped people look downcast and do not attract anyone. In addition, curvature of the spine is the cause of many diseases, both in adolescence and adulthood.
Step 6
Do not withdraw into yourself, do not sit still. Try to make new acquaintances, approach your classmates, talk to them. Ask them for advice if something is not clear to you: they will only be happy to help you.
Step 7
Study well. Smart, successful students are always interesting, because they are able to help with their studies, to suggest something. But be careful: a "bad" stuck to you may simply use you, but not see you as a friend. Know how to give a calm, restrained rebuff to such unscrupulous guys.
Step 8
If for a long time you have not found friends, seek help from a school psychologist. Tell him about your problem, describe in detail all the details of your condition. Talk with him about how you can solve the problem.