Trust, from the point of view of psychology, is an ambiguous and extremely complex phenomenon. Sometimes learning to trust a loved one, especially a beloved man, is not easy.

It is necessary
Sessions with a psychoanalyst; specialized literature
Step 1
Stop being categorical about people. If a bitter deception or betrayal happened in the past, it does not mean at all that the whole future life will be filled only with such relationships. Learn to be more open and kind to others. Repeat a pleasant phrase every day, such as, “I trust men. They don't want to hurt me. Ahead of me is a happy relationship with a loved one. Men take care of me, thanks to them I enjoy life."
Step 2
Think positively! Psychologists say that women who are constantly unlucky in relationships program themselves to cheat. If you accumulate a grudge against those who once betrayed, then a normal man will never appear, because subconsciously, such a woman-victim attracts more and more deceiving men. Thus, an endless vicious circle is built, which becomes more and more difficult to break.
Step 3
Do fun exercises. For example, psychologists advise to have any male pet and have confidential conversations with him. Such a funny auto-training will allow you to solve several problems at once. Firstly, by speaking out the problems, it is easier to get rid of them, and, secondly, this exercise will help you to know yourself deeper. Use various other techniques - meditation, self-hypnosis, NLP. It also does not hurt to increase self-esteem, for which you should constantly work on yourself.
Step 4
Pay attention to the inner world of the men with whom you communicate. Having become acquainted with the views on a particular problem, having learned about interests, preferences, you can become much closer, and, therefore, establish a trusting relationship. Moreover, the shown interest on the part of a woman is always pleasant to a man, which, in turn, causes reciprocal sympathy.