Trust is one of the most important ingredients in love. Whom you truly love you trust. On the other hand, jealousy is inherent in every lover to one degree or another. Suspicion may arise at any moment, and it is only one step from it to distrust. There are situations when it is very difficult for a guy to overcome jealousy, to trust his beloved. For example, if he had previously experienced the betrayal of his former lover.

Step 1
The guy should give up emotions and call on logic to help. Indeed, from the fact that some girl did not treat him in the most dignified way, it does not at all follow that all women are like that. Surely he also has something to reproach himself for. And in his life there were not the most worthy episodes. What if, because of this, his beloved decided that he was an unreliable person who did not deserve her trust? The guy would surely be very offended.
Step 2
Inspire yourself that excessive, irresistible jealousy is the lot of weak, insecure people. Since a guy cannot trust his girlfriend, it means that he instinctively signs his inability to keep her, to be attractive to her. Agree, few guys will be pleased with the thought that he is, to put it simply, a weakling!
Step 3
You must also try to understand a simple thing: a girl, having become your lover, is not at all obliged to treat you as the only "light in the window", to see only in you the meaning of her life. She is not your property, but a living person. After all, she still has interests, hobbies, a circle of friends, acquaintances, including guys. And what, should she now stop all communication with them, so long as her lover is not nervous, not jealous? If a guy really demands this from his girlfriend, he will act unworthily, like an inveterate egoist. And the girl will have the right to take offense and refuse him.
Step 4
If you, despite all your efforts, cannot get rid of suspicions, you should calmly and frankly talk with the girl. Explain to her exactly what her words or actions caused your jealousy, distrust. Of course, it should be especially noted that you love her very much, value your relationship, which is why you want them not to be overshadowed by anything. Most likely, the girl will be able to allay your fears.
Step 5
In short, less emotion, suspicion, more logic and common sense, and then everything will be all right!