The house is being renovated, and the husband avoids doing something useful. We'll have to take advantage of women's tricks and get the spouse to help around the house. And don't forget to praise your loved one.

Woman - neck
You can often hear from a woman a variety of complaints about her husbands. There are small ones, such as cleaning, taking out the trash, sitting with a child, and larger ones, for example, making repairs in an apartment. In the end, it all comes down to one thing: the husband does not want to provide any support and assistance during the renovation of an apartment or house. However, as popular wisdom says, “the man is the head and the woman is the neck,” so everything depends on you. And getting him to do what you need to do is quite feasible. Most importantly, remember: no reproaches.
Ask politely
The order tone is a big mistake of all women. You teach your children to be polite, and if they ask for something, they must use the word "please", and you yourself forget about this simple rule. After all, if you politely ask your husband to make repairs in the apartment with you, he will not be able to refuse. Of course, I want more activity around the house from my husband. This is only natural given the kind of work you have to do every day. Everything is very simple, in the same calm and friendly tone ask him to nail a shelf or buy some small change to renovate the apartment. The main thing is to motivate him, that is, praise and show with all your appearance that you are still the weaker sex and you cannot do without him, and you cannot make a first-class repair without your beloved spouse. Men love praise and really need it, but they love it even more when they are told it directly. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to say a few kind words, but it will be very pleasant for him, and he will fulfill your every desire.
Never start a conversation with claims and the words "I want." And if you need to completely renovate the apartment, then the tactics of calmness and requests also apply. Otherwise, unpleasant conversations are indispensable. But if you speak a little embarrassedly, with downcast eyes and lowered head, then the man will definitely not resist and will do everything so that his beloved is happy and smiles.
In order for him to do something at home and help with repairs, constantly say what a wonderful owner he is, what golden hands he has, etc. He will not want your opinion about him to change, so at the same second he will go to do what you ask for. As you can see, everything is quite simple, the main thing is to be more flexible and cunning, and if you need something, then speak without reproach or scandal. Men, too, in some cases love with their ears, and it will be much more pleasant for them to hear your pleasant tone than eternal screams and discontent.