The Influence Of A Wife On The Fate Of Her Husband

The Influence Of A Wife On The Fate Of Her Husband
The Influence Of A Wife On The Fate Of Her Husband

Often after the wedding, wives complain that their husbands have become lazy, unkempt, show less interest, do not give gifts, etc. Allegedly, before the wedding, they were different. The reason for such claims lies in the very attitude of a woman to a man. When a wife thinks that she could get married more successfully and starts nagging her husband, he, in turn, looks at the attitude towards her indifferently. In the worst case, it will come to treason.

The influence of a wife on the fate of her husband
The influence of a wife on the fate of her husband

If a wife sees her support in her husband, trusts him completely, shares, respects, then things for such a man will rather go uphill. After all, the other half supports him. He does not want to spend time on the couch, not to be interested in family life and other concerns, unlike those men who are rude and verbally humiliated.

In the case when the wife shifts all male responsibilities, for example, around the house to herself, the man ceases to be confident in himself, and he loses the desire to do something. In many families, there is a struggle for supremacy, who will earn more, who will cook the dinner better. If a woman is a leader, then a man's inner core is automatically lost, that is, courage.

The qualities of the husband's behavior directly depend on the model of communication with him the wife has chosen. If you focus on its shortcomings, then there will be more of them, and if you praise for something good, then this will increase. Of course, there are no perfect men and women. Everyone has both good and bad in their character. But the wife will have to decide for herself which side to pay more attention to. For example, someone is annoyed by excessive cleanliness, but why not rejoice in this quality.

The behavior of a man in marriages (if there were several) differs from each other, because he behaves differently with different women. In one marriage, the husband drinks, does not work, is not interested in household chores, behaves lazily, and when he divorces and meets a woman of a different temperament, he changes before our eyes. Begins, goes in for sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and, in general, live happily. There may be a reverse situation, when a rich and self-confident man after a divorce loses his social status and position in society. In both cases, it's the wives. Some wives inspire spouses, then the energy of faith can ensure a prosperous family life. And others can aggravate the situation so much that they will only make it worse for themselves and their other half.
