Getting to know a girl is not so difficult, it is more difficult to achieve a relationship. Not every young person has a natural skill in treating girls. For some it comes naturally, for some it does not work at all. But absolutely everyone wants to communicate easily and naturally. The ability to properly develop relationships with the opposite sex is an important part of any man's life. And this can be learned. Think over a strategy for developing relationships, apply well-known rules and master the practice of communication.

Step 1
Find out what she enjoys, who she spends her free time with, what kind of music she listens to, etc. If you are interested in a girl and you are really ready for a serious relationship, you should learn as much as possible about her. It will be easier for you to find an approach to it if it turns out that you have some common interests.
Step 2
Try to get her attention. Find the right moment to take decisive steps.
The first impression is very important for the perspective of the development of the relationship. The main thing is to look confident.
Be original, show your own communication style.
Step 3
Try to keep her interested in you.
Be natural with your knowledge of topics of interest to her.
Compliment, take care of her, show your best qualities.
Try to be helpful and patient. She should feel protected next to you.
Let her know that she has become an important part of your life, that you admire her and are ready to always be there.