If you want to please a representative of the opposite sex, you need to remember about the existence of certain taboos in communication, the violation of which may entail adverse consequences for further relationships.

What is unacceptable in communicating with a girl
Wanting to please a girl, a young man should always remember that for most of the fair sex, their own appearance is of great importance. How much a girl likes her appearance depends on her self-esteem and mood. That is why in no case should you make comments about the figure, makeup, hairstyle, clothes and the like. The girl can pretend that she missed such a barb, but, rest assured, at this moment she is very unpleasant and offensive. Also, the girl will not like it if you start comparing her to others, especially if this comparison is clearly not in her favor.
You should always remember: women love with their ears. Not a single normal girl will like swearing, vulgarity and rudeness. If you want to please a girl - choose expressions. Talking about your life, you don't need to tell your friend how you famously fought off the company of drunk guys or left the pursuing police squad. By trying to appear bold and fearless, you will come across as an unreliable bully. You should also not praise yourself and embellish your dignity, boasting does not paint a man.
What is unacceptable in dealing with men
The days when girls were not supposed to have an intimate relationship until the wedding itself are long gone. Modern girls before marriage can have several partners, and no one reproaches them for this. However, on a subconscious level, men are very jealous of the past of their chosen one. That is why ex-partners are taboo in dealing with men. Never reveal the details of your past intimate life, even if the guy himself asks you about it. And even more so, in no case should a man be compared with his former boyfriends, especially when it comes to bed.
Don't say anything bad or embarrassing about your girlfriends. If you start a relationship with this young man, he will certainly oppose your communication with this girl.
Remember that for many young people, the financial issue is quite painful, so any criticism about a small salary or a cheap car can hit a man's pride so hard that the relationship will simply fizzle out. Also, many men do not like it when women earn more than them or occupy higher positions, so, trying to appear successful and independent, do not go too far. To please a guy, a girl must behave femininely: mate and any other strong expressions are very repulsive. For the same reason, on first dates, it is better to stop drinking alcohol, even if the man insists.