Many people parasitize on the understandable desire of parents to give their child a quality education: from low-skilled tutors (at best) to so-called “teachers” who open their supposedly educational institutions with dubious content. Unknowingly, parents can personally take the child to a sect or destructive cult.

At one time, for example, a cult called "Shchetinin School" was widely known. One of the leading sectologists in Russia, Alexander Dvorkin, said that this cult was supported by one high-ranking official who admired the progressive teaching methods in this school, was sincerely surprised that such a wonderful school was classified as a sect, shared plans to send his own children there for training … Of course, all this gave the fraudulent founder patronage and relative protection.
This cult exists to this day, the founder is called an innovator, the school is held as an experimental one, parents still send their children there.
What is this school? Or rather, what is this cult disguised as a school?
First of all, I must say that this is a boarding school. Separation from parents allows the leadership of the sect to fully influence children, forming them for themselves. Perhaps for some parents it would be a great joy to get rid of unbearably beloved children in such a legal and socially unpunished way, but for ordinary families you need to think very well before sending children to a boarding school in the Krasnodar Territory.
Secondly, at Shchetinin's school, children do not study subjects like in a regular school: 45 minutes algebra, 45 minutes Russian, 45 minutes chemistry, and so on. At Shchetinin's school, such a rule is that children should not be taught, but children should be taught. Lessons are prohibited there, because, according to the founder of this cult, the very word "lesson" goes back to the verbs "to curse", "to spoil", that is, to spoil. And to drive children to class, according to the sectarians in Shchetinin's school, means to spoil their original purity, some kind of special, incomprehensible openness to the world, and so on. And so that the children were somehow and at least busy with something, not lessons were done for them, but "integral courses". They studied, for example, history together with astronomy, chemistry and physics, all at once. It is clear that nothing remains in the child's head from such a mess.
Shchetinin claims that the children of his school pass the exam and the exam always excellently. The ratings were indeed high; there is a simple explanation for this.
The fact is that since Shchetinin's school is a boarding school, as already mentioned, to organize the delivery of the OGE, for example, a group of teachers goes there. There they are greeted, fed, watered, given bribes, after which they draw all children extremely high marks on the exam. It was proved that students of Shchetinin's school, entering universities, are not able to master basic knowledge, because they simply cannot learn.
There is a similar example in the West, this is the Maharishi University, where subjects such as "Maharishi Physics", "Maharishi History" and so on are studied. Needless to say, this has nothing to do with real education?
It is a normal and understandable desire to seek new ways of teaching their children, to wish them a better education, which would become the basis of their prosperous life. Healthy, full-fledged alternatives to standard state education can and should be, and if for some reason they do not yet exist, no one has the right to prohibit the organization of such education. At the same time, it should be remembered that cults always profit from human desires and fears, and the desire for a good life for a child is a tidbit for scammers who hastily mold supposedly progressive and supposedly educational institutions, in fact, recruiting into a sect.
By the way, at Shchetinin's school, the only subject that gets really good attention is physical fitness. It is worth considering why this is being done, isn't it?
Parents should think very well and thoroughly study the information, including about those institutions that receive state accreditation. Try to find a real person who was educated in such an institution and talk to him, see what knowledge he has in his head, does he understand science, art, history, literature? What profession has he mastered and how will he make a living?
And remember that parents take the risk for pedagogical experiments on children only on themselves.