School is a world of new knowledge and skills, the development of which requires a lot of effort and endurance from a child. School attendance is the responsibility of every child of school age. There must be good reasons for missing classes.

The first time in first class
In terms of enrollment in first grade, a child may not go to school if he has not reached a certain level of readiness. The average age for admission to primary school is 6, 5 - 7 years. However, according to psychological studies, not all children at this age are ready for a new regime.
A commission of specialists can help determine the child's physical and psychological readiness for school: a pediatrician, psychologist, speech therapist, neurologist, etc. It is necessary to carry out special psychological tests and observation of the child. In the case when it comes to unformed readiness, you can use methods of psychological correction or just wait a year.
Reasons for skipping classes
A common reason for missing school is student illness. Parents are obliged, no later than 3 hours from the start of classes, to inform the class teacher about the child's illness and, upon recovery, submit a corresponding certificate from the clinic. In order not to miss the assimilation of new educational material in case of a protracted illness, you should take care of lessons at home. Monitor your child's well-being. With a high temperature and severe malaise, it is better to forget about homework until complete recovery.
If the consequences of illness or injury somehow negatively affected the ability to study in an ordinary school, the child, by a written decision of the medical commission, should be transferred to home schooling or training in a special (correctional) school. Upon receipt of a disability, it is recommended to formalize it properly by submitting the necessary documents to the bodies of medical and social examination (ITU).
It is allowed not to attend school in adverse weather conditions. For younger students, a strong blizzard (with a wind speed of more than 5 m / s) and an air temperature below 26 degrees can serve as an excuse to stay at home in winter. For students in grades 5-11: the temperature is below 30 degrees. The decision to cancel classes in a certain region is made by the district administration, and schools notify students and parents of this by placing an appropriate announcement no later than two days before the expected onset of cold weather.
Sometimes it happens that parental leave does not coincide with school holidays. To relax with the whole family, parents are required to notify the school management in advance of such a desire and write an application for granting the student an extra vacation with an indication of the time frame. All responsibility for the educational process falls on the shoulders of the parents, so it is recommended that you look at textbooks at least occasionally during your vacation.
School classes are definitely canceled in the event of natural disasters (floods, etc.). You can resume the educational process after a while, when the danger has passed. If a school building was destroyed by the elements, students should be assigned to other schools, if any. The redistribution option is also used in cases where the school building is subject to demolition or has not been repaired for a long time (structural wear is more than 80%).