A wedding, like most solemn and exciting events, is accompanied by a mass of superstitions. According to one of them, it is not recommended to marry in May: there will be no happiness in family life. However, if this belief has existed for a long time, it must have a reasonable explanation.

Popular wisdom says: "To marry in May is to suffer all your life." She warns future spouses about the troubles that will certainly follow if they get married in May, hinting at the origin of the name of the month from the words "toil", "maeta". In fact, the names of the months have Latin roots, and the last spring month bears the name of the patroness of the fertile land Maya - the heroine of ancient legends and tales, therefore, in many European languages of the Romano-Germanic group it sounds similar: in English - may, in Italian - maggio, in Spanish - mayo. A more rational explanation of proverbs and sayings "I would be glad to get married, but May does not order", "Kind people do not marry in May", "Marry in May - say goodbye to health", etc. can be found in the fact that May was the hottest it was time for spring sowing, and the future harvest, reserves for the winter and how the whole year would pass until next spring depended on the diligence and responsibility of each of the villagers. Therefore, during field work, it was not customary to play weddings accompanied by long festivities. From an astrological point of view, the arrangement of the planets and the conjunction of the Sun with open star clusters, which is observed in May, is not conducive to the creation of a family. At the same time, this science considers life phenomena individually, taking into account many factors, therefore, for some couples, May may well be the most suitable month for marriage. It is firmly rooted in the public consciousness that getting married in May is the surest path to infidelity, other family troubles and divorce. Even if the bride and groom are far from such prejudices, there are always well-wishers who categorically advise against getting married in a month with such a bad reputation. And if the future spouses believe in the omen, then it is really better for them to choose another time for the wedding: the thought that the May union is doomed will live in the subconscious, and any disagreement will be perceived as another confirmation of popular wisdom. At the same time, from the point of view of religion, superstition is a sin, and one should not pay attention to them. By the way, the Orthodox Church does not prohibit marriage in May, except for the cases when Great Lent falls on it, but after its completion it blesses and crowns marriages. May is a time when nature is filled with a riot of colors and aromas: trees are blooming, tulips are blooming, lilacs are fragrant, birds are chirping merrily, the sun is not yet baking, but tenderly warms - everything around creates an atmosphere of love and happiness. If we put the signs aside and play a wedding on one of these magical days, this holiday will be repeated from year to year, because in fact, marriages are made in heaven, and it does not matter when they are made on earth.