In the past, it was only possible to follow the progress of the queue for kindergarten through a personal visit to the RONO. Modern technologies have made this process much easier. Now you can find out the queue for kindergarten via the Internet.

Step 1
Go to the official website of your city administration and register. Then check your email. An individual code and a confirmation link will be sent to it. Click on the link and return to the site. The code received in the letter will allow you to control the progress in the queue.
Step 2
To do this, you need to go to the administration's website again and find the section related to kindergartens. Enter the code there and get the required information. Update this section periodically and follow the dynamics. If your serial number has increased, contact the RONO to clarify the situation, since in most cases such information is not posted on the site. For example, an increase in the number of children included in the benefit category.
Step 3
In some districts or even regions, there are no electronic accounting systems, so you can find out the queue for kindergarten only with a personal visit. In certain situations, this is even more convenient, since the problem can be solved on site. After contacting RONO, you will also be given your individual number. You can often find out the dynamics of change over the phone, so be sure to write it down.