Tell me, which of the children does not believe in magic? That's right - everyone believes. And, by the way, they are doing the right thing, for the very state of faith works miracles. If adults believed in a fairy tale, and completely, with all their being, it would certainly be realized in the physical world. For example, Valentin Dikul believed that he would be healthy again after a severe injury, and faith cured him. The energy of faith is the energy of the heart, soul, a very powerful healing force.

Feeling my adult failure, I just decided to become a child again. Play with children, admiring the process itself, freely express their emotions, and stopped posing as a cool lady. I just believed that now my children and I are equal partners and, playing, we teach each other. Moreover, in a state of pleasure and relaxedness. We were so in tune with each other that as soon as someone lost "himself in a flurry of emotions" only one glance of mine calmed the baby. (Then the children were 6 years old).
A child, being born into a family, already knowingly knows his goals and objectives. And the task of the parents is to help nurture his divine destiny in the child. If the parents, feeling the child's path, help him to realize himself, the child is filled with energy, strength, self-confidence, and therefore happiness. If the child is imposed on programs that contradict his tasks, then he grows up weak, painful, mentally unstable, depressed. Or suppression can provoke a protest, and the child becomes an aggressive, closed, brutal destroyer. I have described the pronounced forms, there are many variations, but the essence is that a child, due to the "crust of parenting programs", cannot manifest his Divine task and, as a result, suffers. His body, his psyche, and his soul are suffering.
Parents also suffer nearby, for they do not know what they are doing. The stream of illusions captures more and more, and the older the child, the harder it is to change his worldview. 4 years - is considered to be a solid age and the basic structures of the psyche are formed. In the subcortex, conception, the state of the mother during pregnancy, her emotions, thoughts (dark or light), childbirth (where she gives birth, who surrounds her, how she prepared for childbirth, what she feels during the birth itself) is forever recorded.
The very process of childbirth is very important (how is the fetus going, quick or protracted childbirth, whether the little man himself is trying to get out of the narrow birth canal, or he is being helped - by a cesarean section), thereby dooming the child to a program of passivity, inertia. Who met this little sun: kind hands or a doctor tortured by constant calls to women in labor. How the mother herself reacted - she was delighted, filled with pride and strength, taking the baby in her arms, or fainted, tortured by injections and diets.
Was the father nearby, support and protection of the family, how he was involved in the process of childbirth, whether he supported or felt love for the baby. The first months of life - does a mother feed her child? Is he developing a rejection program? Is he often in his arms, how often do they talk to him, laugh, give positive emotions. What is the atmosphere in the house - comfort, warmth, love, or cramped, stuffy, parents are in conflict. And so you can go on and on.
Parents quarreled, and the baby is nearby, like a sponge absorbing negative emotions. The parents had already made up, forgot about the quarrel, and the little man had this situation in the subcortex for the rest of his life. And if the situation repeats itself - quarrels, conflicts, then the forecasts are disappointing: the child's immunity decreases, the likelihood of illness rises, nervousness appears, sleep is disturbed, frequent fears, a tendency to manifest low emotions, aggression, depression …
What the parents will lay in the first 3 years of life and the situation of the baby's intrauterine life (if the parents were thinking about the option of abortion, a program of rejection, unnecessaryness may appear) plus the atmosphere of the birth of a child, with such data the baby will go through life - easily, optimistically overcoming difficulties, or in tension, fears, anxiety, hiding from life at any complexity.
The main parameters of the formation of intelligence, emotions, the physical body are laid up to 7 years. Not without reason, until recently, children went to school from the age of 7, and not from 6, as the experimental teachers came up with, in order to justify their inadequacy in solving the problems of raising children of the 3rd millennium.
Until the age of 10, a child “remembers” who he should become in this life: he plays these types of activities, he is interested in these very topics, in them he shows the greatest ingenuity and skill. To the surprise of moms and dads, he can talk about these topics like a professional. And if the parents are observant, then they will definitely see the abilities, talents of their child in a certain topic. If there are many inclinations, this is great, because it speaks of the versatile personality of the child, of the richness of choice. After 10 years, there is "a kind of erasure and equalization", society provides conditions for this sad process, and the child himself, obeying the collective unconscious, seeks to dissolve in a crowd of his own kind (serious hormonal changes are suitable - adolescence).