Coloring pictures and drawing is directly related to the development of thinking, speech, coordination, motor skills, which is why it is so important to help your child master drawing skills. Teaching a child to paint should begin when the child begins to show interest in pencils and paints.

Step 1
At 1–1, 5 years old, many children are already beginning to show interest in pencils and paints. For toddlers under the age of 3, it is best to buy coloring books in which children can draw with their fingers soaked in water or use finger paints. Pictures in such coloring pages usually have an outline up to 4 mm wide and a minimum amount of detail. Very often, coloring pages for the smallest ones have colored outlines that suggest which paint to use, or color samples are attached.
Step 2
After 3 years, it is necessary to begin to develop perseverance in the child, to show him how to properly hold a pencil in his hand. At this age, you can introduce your baby to work with paints and brushes.
Step 3
Starting from 4 years old, you can begin to teach the child to observe the dimensions and contours, as well as the basic rules for applying shading. At this age, a child can already color a picture according to a color sample. Buy coloring pages for your child after 4 years old, in which small details are present.
Step 4
Offer the child after 4 years of age coloring in which the drawing needs to be drawn point by point, as well as those in which you want to place stickers. This will help develop fine motor skills.
Step 5
When teaching a child to color, make sure that the exercises with paints and pencils are held at the table. Make sure the height of the table and chair is correct.
Step 6
When working with your child, make sure that the child holds the pencil between his thumb and middle finger, and holds it with his index finger. You need to hold the pencil 2-3 cm above its sharpened edge.
Step 7
Children usually grip the pencil hard while coloring. To keep your child's hand from getting tired, take breaks from class and stretch your palms with simple exercises. Let the baby squeeze and unclench his fingers, twist his palms in different directions.
Step 8
Explain to the child that you should not go beyond the contours of the drawing, show how to do this, using your own example.
Step 9
When coloring a picture, it is necessary for the kid to correctly distribute the color. Make sure that when starting to paint, he does not throw an unfinished drawing, trying to start the next one. The child must learn to bring what he started to the end.
Step 10
You should not blame your child for trying to paint pictures that, in your opinion, do not suit him. Very often, boys paint "girly" coloring pages, and girls show interest in the drawn tanks and cars. You should not narrow the circle of interests of the baby, let him develop, comprehending the world in all its diversity.