What Color Are The Eyes Of Indigo Children

What Color Are The Eyes Of Indigo Children
What Color Are The Eyes Of Indigo Children

The French call them "Teflon children", the Americans call them "indigo" or "children of the world," Russians class these children as "difficult." Indeed, it is very difficult to bring up a child when he knows more than an adult.

What color are the eyes of indigo children
What color are the eyes of indigo children

Gifted children began to appear at the end of the 70s of the XX century. By the 1980s, their number increased to 15 percent, today there are about 60 million, although there are no official statistics.

Indigos have shocking and even supernatural powers. Geneticists claim that up to 32 codes are active in their DNA. And this is practically a new race of people with a more perfect immune system and DNA.

How do you recognize an indigo child?

An indigo child does not look different from other children

The indigo soul, before incarnating on earth, chooses a body for itself. Since they love beauty, they are distinguished by the correct structure. All indigos have magnetism, beauty and uniqueness, attracting eyes to themselves.

… But you can recognize a child by his look, or rather, by his eyes. Indigo has a light, wise look that is noticeable regardless of eye color. If ordinary newborns cannot focus their gaze, then "children of light" can easily focus on an object and examine it.

As a result of research, it was found that the iris of the eyes of indigo is in the form of an asterisk. Both the right and left hemispheres work the same and three times more intensively than in ordinary people. The frequency of electromagnetic oscillations exceeds the norm by three times.

In esotericism, indigo children are identified with the highest level of consciousness, something that yogis strive to achieve over the years through exercise and recluse.

Rainbow children

Supersensitive people believe that the aur

Aura (Latin aura - breath, breeze, breeze) is a manifestation of a person's soul, his spirit. This is a luminous shell that surrounds the human body, visible only with supersensitive perception.

Indigo is blue. Nancy Teip, a well-known psychologist and psychic, also believes that deep blue is the color of indigo eyes. This eye is located in the center of the forehead and is an energy clot. He is responsible for intuition.

In principle, all people have access to the subconscious level. For example, many people often read information about their new acquaintances, whether they like it or not. Most usually stop at this, and indigo children do it all the time, even communicate with otherworldly forces. Boris from Zhirnovsk can serve as a striking example. His parents claim that he receives knowledge from unusual channels. He talks about Mars in such detail as if he was there. And unlike scientists, I am sure that there is life. But with education in school, indigo has problems. First, he immediately went to the third grade, and later they tried to get rid of the boy. This is the case when the teacher had nothing to give the child.

It is in such situations that parents need help and understanding. Indigo children are very sensitive natures, they just need moral support. They are often tried to "fix" by retraining or medication, as a result, they can simply lose "I". But it was they who came to this world to convey the truth to people.
