Parents often go to doctors with complaints that their baby is too stubborn, capricious or aggressive. But practically none of them is worried about a child who is too calm and obedient. Although many psychologists argue that an obedient child is not always good.

Of course, it is very convenient to communicate with such a correct and problem-free child, but you need to understand what causes his obedience. Perhaps this is a manifestation of an innate phlegmatic temperament, good breeding, but it is possible that this behavior is forced. It is necessary to observe how the child behaves in conflict situations. It is very important to be able to adequately respond to experiences, to cope with negative emotions. If the child is afraid or does not know how to express them, they accumulate, internal aggression appears, which weakens health. Such children, as a rule, get sick a lot, they have weak immunity. Going into illness, obedient children punish themselves for "bad" thoughts. Many parents are proud of an obedient and well-mannered child. However, they do not think about his future life. By subduing and suppressing the child, they provide themselves with a quiet life. Obedience often turns into passivity, into inability to find one's place in life. A modern person is required to be active, leadership, bright individuality. He must be able to make decisions, take risks, be proactive. An overly obedient child is not capable of such a thing. Due to the lack of his own position, he easily becomes the object of manipulation by other people. Obedience can lead to all kinds of addictions. Departure for alcoholism, drug addiction or a sect becomes quite real for a depressed and depressed teenager. The child should have the right to express negative emotions. You need to teach him to adequately express negative feelings, talk about it. Parents should not be afraid to show themselves such emotions as anger, irritation, resentment, but do it without humiliation and insults. It must be remembered that you cannot bring up an obedient performer of any requirements from a child. To be successful, he must be able to defend his opinion.