Fresh, crispy crust, enveloping the most delicate and aromatic crumb … What can be tastier than bread ?! This product has managed to establish itself since biblical times and since then has not stopped taking part in any meal. It is quite natural that the baby, paying attention to the diet of mom and dad, wants to get to know him better. Sooner or later, each parent is faced with the question of at what age a child can be given bread.

Step 1
Start giving your toddler croutons and vitamin-fortified biscuits at the age of seven months. These foods will greatly diversify your child's diet. If at this age the child still does not know how to gnaw and chew, you should soften the cookies in milk and spoon feed them to the baby.
Step 2
From the age of 8 months, introduce white bread into the child's diet. As for the portion, you should start at 3 grams per day, and gradually increase it. By one year, a portion of bread should be about 15 grams per day (1/3 of a piece of bread).
Step 3
Starting from 1, 5 years old, teach your baby to dryers, bagels, unleavened liver, etc. For example, you can give something of this for an afternoon snack (up to 50-60 grams). Unfortunately, today many of the listed products are "enriched" with additives that may well cause allergic reactions, so be careful. In addition, it is not recommended to offer crumbled foods to children who are not yet good at chewing food. You may notice that after the introduction of bread and baked goods into the baby's diet, he began to suffer from flatulence, colic or indigestion. In this case, contact your pediatrician who can help you find out the reasons.
Step 4
From one year to three years, increase the dose of bread or baked goods in the child's diet to 60-80 grams per day. If he has no problems with the assimilation of wheat bread, by the age of 3 you can also introduce rye bread (15-20 grams per day).
Step 5
For children between the ages of 3 and 6, give 100-120 grams of wheat bread a day (this also includes baked goods). The dose of rye bread should not exceed 50 grams per day.