How To Make A Didactic Game In Kindergarten

How To Make A Didactic Game In Kindergarten
How To Make A Didactic Game In Kindergarten

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Didactic play is a special form of teaching, during which a specific situation is considered, the task posed to each child in particular and to a group of children as a whole is solved. Each team member is aimed at achieving a result, while he will have to show knowledge, ingenuity, without going beyond the rules. Such a game is useful for the development of logical thinking, the ability to analyze and generalize.

How to make a didactic game in kindergarten
How to make a didactic game in kindergarten


Step 1

First of all, you, as a caregiver, should take into account the peculiarities of the development and behavior of children at a particular age. After all, one and the same game offered to children of older age groups (six to seven years old) may seem uninteresting, boring to them, but it will genuinely capture three or four-year-old children. Accordingly, you should choose the most suitable game for this particular age group.

Step 2

For example, as you walk, invite the children to remember what trees are growing in their city or village, and then ask them to show them. The game can be a little more complicated by asking the children clarifying questions: “Why do you think that this is a maple tree? How did you recognize him?"

Step 3

A variation of the same game: prepare different leaves in advance and show them to the children. The task of the children is to correctly name which tree each leaf was torn from. The winner is the one who answers faster than others and without mistakes.

Step 4

There are many games designed to improve syllabic reading and attentiveness in children. For example, divide the group into two teams, one of which hand out cards with the first syllable of the word, and the other, respectively, with the second. The task of the children is to find the "soul mate" of their card and read the whole word.

Step 5

Or you can give the children cards, some of which have misspelled words. The team that first finds all the errors wins. A variation of this game: instead of words, the cards show pictures, some of which are deliberately absurd. The task of the children is to find such cards and explain what the mistake is. For example: "It is drawn that a wolf is eating a carrot, but do wolves eat it?" Or: "the hare in the picture is chasing a fox, but it's the other way around, it's foxes chasing bunnies!"

Step 6

Make the games interesting for children, then they will be of unconditional benefit.
