How To Spend Time With Children To Remember Their Childhood

How To Spend Time With Children To Remember Their Childhood
How To Spend Time With Children To Remember Their Childhood

Children are the flowers of life. They grow so fast that sometimes we don't have time to spend enough time with them to have something to remember later. Here are some ideas on how to spend time with your kids so that they will remember these moments for a lifetime.

How to spend time with children to remember their childhood
How to spend time with children to remember their childhood

For instance:

  • Blow bubbles and pop them together. You can make a solution with glycerin soap and blow huge giant bubbles.
  • Jump together on skipping ropes.
  • Make a kite and fly it on a windy day.
  • In winter, slide down the ice slide with your child. Play snowballs, sledding.
  • Launch a stone "frog" in the water.
  • Go fishing together.
  • Look at the starry sky and make wishes.
  • Jump over the waves.
  • Prepare burnt sugar in a spoon.
  • Cut out snowflakes and glue on the window.
  • Catch soap bubbles with woolen gloves.
  • Have a pillow fight. Blow off dandelions.
  • Tie garlands of autumn leaves.
  • Show a shadow theater performance.
  • Arrange a halabuda in a refrigerator box.
  • Weave wreaths of flowers or fallen leaves.
  • Let your child do your hair.
  • Make "secrets" under the glass.
  • Build paper boats, lower them into the water and watch whose farther float away.
  • Make a volcanic eruption from citric acid and soda.
  • Watch the sun rise and set.
  • Make matching shell decorations.
  • Show hocus pocus with electrified paper figures.
  • Play sea battle.
  • Letting go of sun bunnies.
  • Make sprinklers from bottles and have a battle.
  • Guessing on a chamomile.
  • Fold the airplanes out of paper and launch them together.
  • Look at the clouds and compare what they are like.
  • Make dumplings with the whole family.
  • Shine a flashlight in the dark.
  • Leave body prints in the form of angels in the snow.
  • Sit together by the fire.
  • Fry bread on a twig and bake potatoes in coals.
  • Build a sea sand castle.
  • Burrowing in the sand.
  • Dig a deep well to reach the water.

What did you do with your child or did your parents do with you when you were little? What do you think can be added to this list? Come up with funny adventures and make your kids smile and rejoice every moment next to you.
