Play is central to a child's life. Girls, playing with dolls, imitate their mothers, copy their actions and, thus, learn to live in society. It's never too late to learn, that's why you can play with dolls until old age!

The role of a doll in a child's life
The question of dolls for children, the compliance of toys with the tasks assigned to them is a very serious question that teachers, psychologists, and pediatricians are dealing with. Boys also play dolls, because soldiers, figures of Batman, Spiderman and other superheroes are also dolls. But for a girl, playing with a baby doll awakens the powerful instinct of motherhood inherent in her by nature.
When a girl is born in a family, they almost immediately begin to load her with dolls. But in infancy, a child does not need such a complex toy. Role-playing games with dolls will begin in due time - by the age of one and a half or two. Mom should teach such games to the girl.
The baby immediately takes on the maternal role, caring for his baby doll, putting him to bed, preparing dinner and changing clothes. The girl repeats all the actions of the mother, even punishing the toy for bad behavior!
A doll for every age
A child of 1-2 years old, at this age, playing with a doll looks cruel for adults. The girl rips off the clothes from the toy, tears off her arms and legs, throws the baby doll. The child does not associate the doll with a person and wears it by the hair or upside down.
At the age of two years, the child is just beginning to learn to role play. Parents should not let this game take its course, you need to tell the baby that the doll should be treated like a child - carefully and carefully. The toy should be chosen very simple, without unnecessary decorative details. A baby doll is ideal.
At 3-4 years old, the girl enthusiastically plays with a doll. The child bathes, feeds, puts to bed, changes the toy and sings songs to it. Expensive multifunctional dolls are not needed at this age. It is much more useful for the development of the girl if she herself fantasizes and invent actions for the toy.
At the age of 4-5, the child already begs for toys from advertisements - Barbie, Bratz, Winx and other fairies, princesses and glamorous young ladies. Baby dolls no longer seem attractive to the girl. The baby begins to associate herself with the doll, so she wants the same clothes, hair and makeup!
A 5-7-year-old girl is actively experimenting with her dolls - she puts on makeup, injections, braids and invents hairstyles. It's time to buy a baby doll-mannequin for your daughter. Such a toy is very convenient to change, it can even be disassembled and cut.
In the life of a child of any age, there should always be a place for playing with a doll. This activity is of great educational value for a teenage girl. Don't think that “playing with dolls” and “doing nonsense” are the same thing. Sometimes it is useful for an adult woman to play with dolls and see the long-awaited way out of a difficult life situation. Some psychologists use this approach to the problem.