The first birthday of a child is a joyful and fun family holiday. The high spirits of all invited guests, close relatives and, of course, the birthday man himself will depend on its correct organization.

Step 1
Loving parents should prioritize: for whom it is planned to celebrate the birthday - for the baby or family and friends. In the first year of life, a long way has been passed: from the moment of birth to the first steps. It should be remembered that the hero of the day is still very small for a grandiose celebration, you should not make the holiday too noisy and long.
Step 2
Organize everything so that in the morning the child wakes up in an atmosphere of love and joy. Decorate the nursery with colorful balloons and ribbons, flags and garlands, give him a smile and a hug right after waking up.
Step 3
Choose the most convenient time for your baby when guests come: grandparents, aunts and uncles. It is best to do this after your baby's nap. A well-rested baby will happily meet guests with you, accept gifts, pose in front of a photo and movie camera. But do not drag out the whole event for more than 2-3 hours.
Step 4
Collect pleasant little things as a keepsake: the first curl of a child, prints of a leg and a pen on paper made with paint, plasticine or special clay, the first undershirt or hat, ultrasound pictures and tags from the hospital.
Step 5
Make a panel of monthly photographs of your child, which captures his achievements and successes in the first year of life: when he first began to hold his head, sit, turn over, laugh, clap, walk.
Step 6
As invitations for guests for a holiday, you can prepare postcards where the hero of the occasion will leave his signature with the help of gouache paints and palms.
Step 7
Let your child participate in the preparation for the celebration, let him choose an outfit with your help. But do not forget that on the birthday cake, he will definitely run his pens and get dirty from head to toe. Make a festive table for children from familiar products: juice, milk, cookies, bananas, apples and, of course, cake.
Step 8
So that the baby does not overwork, from time to time go with him to the nursery, give him the opportunity to rest a little and chat with you.