Excessive Parental Care: Benefit Or Harm?

Excessive Parental Care: Benefit Or Harm?
Excessive Parental Care: Benefit Or Harm?

Undoubtedly, parents wish their child all the best, love him and try to protect him from all possible difficulties. The unconditional love of parents and their care makes the child happy. These children receive enough attention to feel confident and loved.

It is important to love the child, but give the opportunity to become independent
It is important to love the child, but give the opportunity to become independent

Parental love as the basis of education

It is worth noting that parental love is the basis for the emotional development of children. Children who have not received the love of their parents feel unhappy and lonely on a subconscious level.

They are often less sociable, proactive, and benevolent. Lacking an example of unconditional love, they believe that love must be earned. This position is likely to bring them problems in the future, in their adult life, in particular, in family relationships.

The child acutely feels the need for unconditional parental love: he needs recognition and approval of his actions, acceptance by his parents with all the shortcomings and imperfections.

Parental love gives a feeling of psychological safety, security and comfort. Such a child expresses his feelings more openly, he is liberated, he tolerates failures and difficulties more easily, and is less susceptible to the opinions and evaluations of others.

The danger of not receiving parental love is that even as a person grows up, it is difficult for a person to forget the mental wounds and resentments he has received. He clearly remembers the indifference of the parents, their neglect or reproaches. Growing up, such children receive a distorted model of relationships, because even in childhood it seemed to them that they were worse than others.

Disadvantages of over-parenting

On the contrary, excessive parental care can harm the child. The child grows up infantile: it is difficult for him to make decisions on his own and take responsibility for them.

The overprotected child develops much more slowly emotionally, it is difficult for him to learn independence, and, as a result, he is slower to acquire the necessary social skills. Often, such a child begins to believe in his helplessness, because the parents do not give him the opportunity to do anything without their control and help. The child becomes restless, insecure, lack of initiative, squeezed.

Excessive care of the parents does not allow the child to independently make choices and learn to resolve controversial situations. Due to the fact that parents prevent the child from learning to acquire the experience he needs, he has a false self-awareness, that is, a distorted idea of himself, his potential, actions. Such children can grow up to be capricious, touchy, irritable, lazy.

It should be remembered that it is impossible to protect your child from everything in the world, one way or another, in order for him to grow up self-confident, purposeful and strong, he also needs a negative experience. He must learn how to behave correctly in losing situations, conflicts, in various difficulties. It is recommended to give the child advice, talk with him, but not decide absolutely everything for him.
