Removing A Baby Tooth From A Child

Removing A Baby Tooth From A Child
Removing A Baby Tooth From A Child

Milk teeth play a very important role assigned by nature. The healthier the baby's temporary teeth are, the better and more beautiful the permanent ones will grow. Dentists do not recommend that parents independently remove the milk teeth of children, as this can damage the germ of a future permanent tooth.

Removing a baby tooth from a child
Removing a baby tooth from a child

The health of the child is laid from the moment of conception. It is formed by the mother, carrying the baby, providing the fetus with nutrients and a comfortable atmosphere for development.

The baby's teeth will be healthy and beautiful only if the mother has consumed enough calcium-containing foods during pregnancy and lactation. And also visited the dentist on time, doing the sanitation of the oral cavity.

The milk teeth of children must be treated in case of caries. The longer the temporary one lasts, the more correct the permanent tooth will grow in its place. Milk teeth are removed only according to indications, when the doctor can no longer restore them.

A child may begin to speak incorrectly, having lost milk teeth prematurely.

The reasons for removal include: tooth decay, pulpitis, gum inflammation and cystic formations on the roots of milk teeth, as well as premature eruption of a permanent tooth. If temporary teeth are left unattended, their destruction can provoke tonsillitis, otitis media and even sinusitis.

Children's gastritis and doudenitis can also be infectious in nature, originating from carious teeth. It is recommended to visit a pediatric dentist once every few months.

Today there are modern dental offices and experienced doctors in almost every city in Russia. Removing milk teeth is almost painless for a baby if he is very loose.

With a special instrument, the doctor first slightly presses the tooth into the gum, and then quickly removes it. Moreover, he does it correctly, without damaging the rudiment of a permanent tooth. If it has already begun to erupt, this is especially important.

The molar can die in the embryo after infection with the milk.

A loose tooth gives the child a lot of discomfort, he cannot fully chew food and is constantly worried, sometimes it comes to tears. Parents can remove their own milk tooth in a safe way only if it hangs "by a thread".

For this, the baby is given a whole hard apple or carrot. If you're lucky, the tooth will fall off after a few bites. If the dentist is far away, and there is a lot of crying, parents often use ordinary floss.

It is tied around the tooth and pulled sharply straight up. before deciding on this, look at how loose the baby tooth is. Please note that anesthesia at home is not possible or simply dangerous.

It may be better to find a dentist than to put your baby at risk. In any case, it is up to the parents to decide. You just need to remember that after removing the tooth on your own, you need to put a cotton swab with an antiseptic for a few minutes in the place of the wound and make sure that the child does not swallow saliva with the solution.

The shape of the bite and the dental status of the child depend on how timely and correctly the child's milk teeth are replaced with permanent ones. In other words, how comfortable he will be to eat and smile throughout his adult life.

For this reason, it is important to treat and remove baby teeth from an experienced dentist. In case of problems, he will notice them in time and help to cope with them. And also in the future, the baby will not be afraid of visits to the dentist, since the help was provided to him on time.
