How To Feed A Baby At 10 Months

How To Feed A Baby At 10 Months
How To Feed A Baby At 10 Months

Many young mothers notice that as soon as the baby is six months old, the amount of milk begins to decrease. Ideally, you should try to extend breastfeeding for up to a year, but if the baby is not full, it is necessary to expand the diet.

How to feed a baby at 10 months
How to feed a baby at 10 months

Features of feeding a baby at 10 months

So, the child is 10 months old and the question immediately arises: "How to feed him?" If the woman has enough breast milk, it is not worth stopping breastfeeding. In case of a decrease in lactation, the mother's milk is replaced with kefir. If a woman, for some reason, at the age of 10 months, decided to wean her baby from the breast, she should know a few rules. This cannot be done during the period of the child's illness, his body is already weakened and weaning will become additional stress. The baby may experience various kinds of complications, it will be worse to recover, there may be problems with the work of the intestines. By the way, it is precisely because of rotavirus infections that it is not recommended to wean the baby from the breast in the summer.

How to diversify the diet of a baby at 10 months?

The baby's diet at 10 months can be diversified with products such as boiled potatoes or noodles, start giving cottage cheese and casserole from it, boiled fish and meat, hard cheese are also suitable. It is worth saying that it is recommended to make meatballs for soup or steam cutlets from fish and meat, so it will be easier for the child to eat. The already introduced cereals, fruits and vegetables, as well as juices remain in the baby's diet. At 10 months, you can prepare a child of dried fruit compote and herbal decoctions.

Experts recommend adding new products to the baby's menu gradually so that it is possible to track an allergic reaction to food.

At the age of 10 months, the child eats 5 times a day. The only thing that can change is meal time, especially for weaned babies. It is believed that the optimal diet for a child of this age is every 4 hours with a break for a night's sleep, which lasts about 8-12 hours. True, not all children can withstand so much without food, so some mothers stock up on a bottle of milk, water or compote.

In a ten month old baby, food becomes denser, which makes the body work harder to digest it. For example, a lunch for a baby of this age may be like this: soup with potatoes or noodles with meat, mashed vegetables, bread and juice. You need to try to make the daily menu varied, it is advisable to cook something fresh for the baby at a time. Many experts say that at this age a child can gradually move to a common table, but then the parents decide for themselves. It all depends on how the family prepares food. Still, it is better to protect a child of this age from rich soups and fried second courses in order to prevent digestive problems. And another important point - do not force the baby to eat through force. Such behavior can provoke a negative attitude towards food in him. Better to eat a little, but with pleasure, it will be more beneficial.
