How To Feed A Baby At 7 Months

How To Feed A Baby At 7 Months
How To Feed A Baby At 7 Months

Seven months is an important period in a baby's life. In order to grow and develop well, the baby no longer has enough mother's milk, and gradually they begin to acquaint him with complementary foods.

How to feed a baby at 7 months
How to feed a baby at 7 months

By the age of 7 months, feed your baby in a seated position, ideally on a highchair. At this age, cereals are introduced. If your child is allergic to cow's milk, then boil the porridge in water, diluting it with infant formula. Baby cereals are either sold in stores or you can cook yourself. The groats are ground in a coffee grinder and then boiled.

Buckwheat is a storehouse of vitamins and iron, and rice is the champion among cereals in terms of the presence of starch. Therefore, it is most optimal to start acquainting the child with these cereals.

After the baby's body has adapted to these cereals, introduce oatmeal and semolina. Semolina is usually the most common cause of an allergic reaction. Gradually add vegetable purees (pumpkin, zucchini, carrots) to the porridge.

It's time for the child to get acquainted with the taste of kefir and cottage cheese. Consider the choice of kefir carefully. Regular kefir from the store will not suit your baby. Kefir is obtained in the dairy kitchen or they are made on their own using a sourdough culture; you can buy it at the pharmacy.

You can also get cottage cheese from the dairy kitchen or make your own. In a water bath, heat the kefir until curd (i.e., the curd mass appears on top of the kefir), fold it onto cheesecloth, squeeze, the cottage cheese is ready.

At the end of the 7th month, you can enter meat complementary foods. It is better if you cook the meat yourself. You need to start with low-fat varieties of veal, rabbit, turkey. For seven-month-old babies, boil the meat, then mince it twice or grind it in a blender. The child receives meat in the form of mashed minced meat, which is added to vegetable puree, for example, to squash or pumpkin.

At this age, the child needs not only protein, but also vitamins and minerals. And this, of course, is fruit. For a child of 7 months, fruit puree can be made from apples, bananas, pears. Since bananas are allergen-free, mixed mashed potatoes can be gradually introduced for the child.

And yet, it is worth noting that each child is different, so the complementary feeding table should be adjusted. Always prepare only fresh meals for each feed and carefully monitor your baby's reactions after taking a new meal for him.
