A newborn baby is a very fragile and delicate creature that requires special care. Daily morning and evening dressing will help preserve and strengthen the health of the baby.

The morning toilet of a newborn should be done after feeding, when the baby is full and does not want to sleep anymore. The whole complex consists of several procedures.
Washing away
The first step is to free the baby from the diaper. Then wash your baby with warm running water. If the contamination cannot be washed off, you can use baby soap.
When washing the boy, place him on one arm so that his chest and stomach are on your forearm, and his head is in the elbow bend. Wash your baby's back, buttocks and crotch. Then rinse the genitals. The girl is a little more difficult. Flip it upside down and wash it from front to back. This will prevent infection from entering the genital crevice.
After washing the baby, wrap it in a soft towel and pat the skin dry. In the absence of hot water, baby wipes will come to the rescue. However, you shouldn't use them too often.
Navel treatment
To treat the umbilical wound, you will need hydrogen peroxide, chlorophyllipt solution and ordinary brilliant green. Moisten a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide and gently rub over the navel. Use a clean, dry stick to remove soaked crusts and dirt. Then treat the wound with an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt or brilliant green.
Some doctors do not recommend using brilliant green, because due to staining of the skin, you may not notice the resulting redness, blood or purulent discharge.
Prevention of diaper rash
When choosing an oil or lotion for your baby, pay attention to its composition. It is best to use products made from natural ingredients: wheat germ, peach seeds, etc. Avoid cosmetics containing mineral oils, paraffin wax and silicones.
Pour a small amount into the palm of your hand and distribute it over all the folds of the child: behind the ears, in the neck, armpits, in the elbow and knee folds, on the wrists, palms and feet, and in the groin.
To wash your baby in the first months of his life, use only boiled water. Dampen a cotton ball and work one eye of the baby, moving from the inner corner to the outer corner. Take a blank disc and repeat the same with the other eye. When a small purulent discharge appears, you can replace the water with chamomile infusion. Then wipe the baby's face with another cotton pad.
Using smooth twisting movements, clean the nose and ears of the baby using cotton filaments. Don't go too deep. It is also strictly forbidden to use cotton swabs, matches and other solid objects for these purposes.