Your baby sweats while nursing or walking, beading with sweat; during sleep, his clothes become wet, even wring it out. Is it worth worrying about this? Why do babies sweat?

It is completely normal for a baby to sweat in most cases. All mothers know the obvious fact that the mechanisms of body temperature regulation in newborns are imperfect. At the same time, their metabolism proceeds very intensively, accompanied by the production of a significant amount of heat. The baby's body needs to somehow get rid of this heat. He can do this in two ways - through the skin and the lungs. The baby's body secretes sweat, with which the baby loses water and salt, the reserves of which are very small in newborns. That is why it is so important to try not to overheat your baby. The excretory and thermoregulatory functions are established by 3-4 months of the child's life, when the maturation of the nerve centers occurs. Until this age, overheating or hypothermia is possible even with minimal changes in air temperature. When it gets hot in the room or outside, try to be especially attentive to your baby. At the slightest overheating, he begins to sweat, in the folds under the armpits, knees, on the butt and groin, redness occurs - diaper rash. Even with a slight shortage of fluid released by sweat, the work of all systems and organs of the crumbs is significantly disrupted. To make the baby less sweaty, try to dress him lighter during sleep, change the blanket to a lighter one. A mattress that is too soft can cause sweating. Avoid synthetic clothing and bedding that contains artificial materials. Maintain the temperature in the room where the baby sleeps at + 18-20 degrees. While walking, monitor the condition of the baby: if the neck is sweating and the baby cannot sleep in the stroller, it is most likely that he is hot. Excessive sweating can sometimes be a sign of rickets in babies. To prevent it, provide the crumbs with taking medications with vitamin D. In any case, consult a pediatrician to rule out more serious cases: heart problems, etc.