The debate about the need for swaddling has been going on for a long time. The diaper gives the baby about the same sensations that he experienced in the womb: warmth, tightness and comfort. Swaddling can help a newborn to cope with successful adaptation after childbirth.

Step 1
Use a regular diaper - cotton or flannel - preferably the largest size. Place it on a changing table or other flat, hard surface. Mentally divide the material in half vertically and place the baby with his tummy up on the left half of the fabric so that his left handle fits along the imaginary line.
Step 2
Make sure that the top edge of the diaper is just above the edge of the baby's ears, approximately in line with the back of the head. A common mistake is to place the baby too high in relation to the top edge of the material, which remains below the level of the back of the head.
Step 3
With your left hand, take the near-top edge of the diaper and cover the baby. The fabric will pass diagonally from the depth of the cervical fold to the baby's thigh, forming around the neck a semblance of one of the sides of the collar of a man's shirt and covering one crumbs handle (right), which you hold with your own hand (also right) at his navel at the moment of wrapping. Tuck the diaper underneath the newborn's bottom.
Step 4
Now take the upper edge of the remaining half of the diaper with your right hand, hold the baby's free handle at the navel with your left hand, cover the baby again diagonally from neck to hip, wrapping the material under your feet. If you did everything correctly, the shoulders of the child will be firmly fixed and completely covered by the base of the neck with a soft cloth. You just have to wrap the baby's legs.
Step 5
With both hands, spread the two lower ends of the diaper, which is now a trapezoid with a wide base. Cover the baby's body up to about the level of the armpits with the material (as the baby grows, this level shifts to the navel). Wrap the fabric tightly on both sides around the crumbs, first on one side, then on the other. Tuck the corner of the upper layer into the lower one (this is how the bath towel is fixed).