From birth until the umbilical wound heals, doctors advise bathing babies in a baby bath. And by the end of the first month of life, the question of bathing the child in a small or large bath is decided at the request of the parents.

When to start bathing your baby in a large tub
Baby bath is an optional attribute for baby care. It is allowed to bathe the baby in an adult bath immediately after birth, subject to the necessary disinfection measures. But nevertheless, pediatricians advise to bathe babies up to three months old in a place limited for bathing. This is necessary in order for the child to feel more confident, paying attention to the fact that he is surrounded by walls, like in the mother's belly. It is clear that a larger child ceases to fit in a baby bath, and even more so his toys. Therefore, by this time it is better to accustom the baby to bathing in a large bath.
How to bathe your baby in an adult bath
If you bathe your baby from birth in a large bathtub, do not forget to add a manganese solution to the prepared water so that germs do not get into the umbilical wound that has not yet healed. When bathing a newborn baby, one adult should hold the baby by the head and the other should wash directly. All movements must be confident and quick, the total bathing time for the little man is no more than five to seven minutes.
For bathing, use only approved hygiene products for children.
An older child can be bathed with an adult or alone. To swim with mom or dad, hygiene requirements should be observed - an adult needs to take a shower. For independent bathing, you can use an inflatable ring that will support your child's head above the water when he swims. If there is not much water in the bath, you can put the diaper on the bottom and put the baby on it, holding the head so that water does not get into the ears.
The baby should have his own well-washed and ironed towel.
To prepare bathing water, you must first check the temperature, it should be no higher than forty degrees. Even if you washed the bath well before bathing, do not forget to add a solution of potassium permanganate and wait until it dissolves completely so that the grains do not fall on the crumbs' body. Place a teaspoon of baking soda in the water to soften the water. For aroma, you can add baby salt or a herbal decoction. For fun, you can dilute the foam and give your child toys. When bathing, you should have all the necessary equipment and a towel on hand. On average, a baby's bath in a large tub should not last more than fifteen minutes. After this time, take the crumbs out of the water and wrap them in a towel.