How To Teach A Child To Mix

How To Teach A Child To Mix
How To Teach A Child To Mix

Table of contents:


Every mother knows that there is nothing better for her baby than breast milk. But since the question arises of transferring a child to a mixture, then you need to know how to do this without harm to children's health.

How to teach a child to mix
How to teach a child to mix


Step 1

Breastfeeding is not just a feeding process, but a kind of communication between mother and baby, through which the baby gets to know the world, learns relationships with others. Transferring the child to formula means replacing the mother for the child with other people: dad, grandmother - who will help satisfy hunger, but will not have the same impact on emotional development as the mother does. Therefore, when feeding from a bottle or a spoon, do not forget to communicate with the child, stroke him, talk to him, and hug him.

Step 2

Choose the right mixture. It is very important that the formula you give your baby is completely age-appropriate. From the fact that you feed a three-month-old baby with a six-month-old formula, he will most likely not grow, and will not gain weight, but this can contribute to the appearance of allergies. The higher the age group, the harder and heavier the food. The child's body may not be able to cope with its processing, which is why substances that cause an allergic reaction accumulate in it. If, after feeding the formula, the baby's skin becomes irritated, you should immediately stop giving the formula and consult a doctor.

Step 3

Transfer to the mixture gradually. If you choose to breastfeed because you feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable with breastfeeding, or you feel your milk is running out, try pumping your breast milk into a bottle and adding more formula each time until it replaces the milk completely. … This method of transferring to the mixture will be more gentle for your child.

Step 4

Monitor your baby's health. Nowadays, you can choose a mixture that will not differ from mother's milk in terms of useful properties. However, in order to avoid problems, you should monitor the color of the child's skin, the consistency of the stool. If you suspect that the mixture is not suitable for the child, you should consult your doctor.

Step 5

Find the right bottle and teat. It is often difficult for children to get used to a rubber pacifier, which is why they simply spit it out, frowning at the same time as if you are giving it something that is not tasty. Try replacing the bottle's rubber teat with a silicone one. Experiment with its shape. There are many bottles that not only follow the shape of the mother's breast, but also simplify the feeding process, prevent air bubbles from entering, thereby significantly reducing colic and regurgitation.
