In order to travel abroad with a child, you need to draw up a number of documents. If for adults there is such a thing as a "passport", then for a child such a document will become a "travel document". An alternative to such a travel document for a child can be pasting a child's photo into the parents' passport. How to correctly carry out and arrange this procedure for pasting a photo?

Step 1
Find out at the embassy of the country to which you are going to go, whether it will be enough to paste a photo of the child into your passport in order for him to be able to cross the border, or whether it is necessary to make an appropriate travel document.
Step 2
Please note that if your child is already five years old, such a procedure (namely, pasting the child's photo into the parent's passport) is mandatory. Otherwise, you may not be allowed out of the country and your trip will be disrupted.
Step 3
Contact the appropriate company that deals with the registration of such procedures. You must have a passport of one of the parents, a copy of the parent's internal passport, a child's birth certificate (original), as well as two matte photographs of the child.
Step 4
If you do not want to cooperate with private firms, use the services of a government organization (Visa and Registration Department) at your place of residence.
Step 5
Write an application addressed to the head of the Visa and Registration Department. Obtain the appropriate permission from the chief for the procedure for pasting the child's photo into your passport.
Step 6
Obtain the appropriate clearance forms. Pay certain fees and provide the Department employee with receipts.
Step 7
Submit a package of documents to the Visa and Registration Department - this is the parent's passport, a copy of the parent's internal passport, the child's birth certificate (original, copies are accepted only notarized), two photographs of the child.
Step 8
When contacting a private structure, determine the time frame in which it is necessary to carry out this procedure for pasting photos. It can be non-urgent insertion (up to twenty business days), urgent insertion (up to ten business days) and super-urgent insertion (from one to four days).