Internal passports for children under 14 years old are not required. Their identity is verified by a birth certificate. But if you are going on a family voyage abroad or are sending your child on a tour, an international camp, etc., you cannot do without a passport for him. For this purpose, you need to contact the FMS department at the place of residence or stay.

- - birth certificate;
- - parents' passports;
- - a photo of the child "for a passport";
- - completed application form;
- - money to pay the state duty.
Step 1
Now Russians can apply for one of two types of passports: old and new, in which there is a chip with the owner's biometric data. The second contains more blank sheets for visas, is valid twice as long as the first (10 years, not 5), and the chip with biometric information cannot be counterfeited. But the size of the state duty is also different: issuing an old passport for a child will cost 300 rubles, a new one - 1 thousand rubles. At the same time, it hardly makes sense to issue a passport for 10 years for an infant baby, whose appearance during this time can change beyond recognition One more nuance: if, when issuing an old passport, it is enough to take the child to a photo studio, then a new one should be photographed at the FMS department.
Step 2
Fill out the application form. The easiest way to do this is using the portal, logging into it and selecting this option from the list of available offers. The portal interface is simple and straightforward, you just have to choose the options you need.
Step 3
You can find out the details for paying the state duty at the FMS department, on the website of its department in your region, or from a consultant at a Sberbank branch.
Step 4
At office hours, come to the FMS department with a full package of documents.
If everything is in order with them, the child's passport will be ready in a month when applying at the place of residence and in four - at the place of stay.