It can be difficult to get children to eat something healthy. This may apply to cough medicine as well. However, the medicine prescribed by a specialist to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold must be taken without fail.

Step 1
See your pediatrician who can prescribe drugs that are best for treating your cough. Consultation with a specialist is important, despite the fact that many OTC drugs are sold in pharmacies, even for children. Only a doctor will be able to determine the true cause of a cough, which may not be a cold, but, for example, an allergic reaction or more serious respiratory diseases.
Step 2
After purchasing a drug recommended by your doctor, carefully read its instructions. The dosage indicated in the supplement to the medicine should not contradict the recommendations of the physician.
Step 3
For children under three, choose sweet syrups whenever possible. If the product you want is not available in this form, buy tablets and grind the required portion into a powder. Then dissolve it in sweetened water if the pills' own taste is not very pleasant. At the same time, do not use mineral water, juice or tea to prepare the liquid - because of them, the properties of the tablets may change. Let your baby drink this liquid through a teat or spoon.
Step 4
Give the older child the form that works best for him. It is no longer necessary to dissolve the tablets in water, but can simply be crushed or even dispensed whole. Cough medicine can also be given with sweets, such as candy. This will not cause the child to have a negative attitude towards medication.