Babies need special attention and care from adults. This is especially true during a child's illness, when he needs to be given medicine. In this case, the parent must take into account the specifics of the child's age.

Step 1
Do not treat an infant yourself. At such an early age, all medications should be prescribed by a pediatrician, since an error in components or dosage affects the infant's body much more strongly than an adult.
Step 2
Review your prescription before leaving the doctor's office. If you do not understand something, be sure to ask again. The prescription should indicate not only the name of the medicine and the dosage, but also the duration of the drug intake, as well as the procedure for its use - before bedtime, before feeding or after feeding.
Step 3
Buy the prescribed drug. Study the instructions for it, especially the section on contraindications. There may be given additional important information, for example, the incompatibility of the medicine in any food products that are included in the baby's complementary foods.
Step 4
If the medicine is not metered, for example, in the form of tablets or capsules, purchase a measuring cup or spoon with it. Due to the small weight of the infant, it is especially important to correctly calculate the dose of the drug. However, along with some medicines, measuring instruments are sold in a set.
Step 5
When available, choose a liquid medicine. It is much easier to give it to a child. If the medication tastes bitter, pour it into the child's cheek. This will make it easier to swallow and less likely to spit out the medicine.
Step 6
If the medicine needs to be given intramuscularly or intravenously, arrange an injection session with your nurse. Even if you have the skill of giving adult shots, it is best to entrust your infant to a professional.
Step 7
Dissolve the prescribed powders in water before giving to the child. If the rules of admission allow this, then they can be diluted with baby juice.
Step 8
Do not give medication if the baby is crying. Calm him down first. If he categorically does not take the medicine, invite relatives to help you. They will be able to hold the baby while you give him the medicine.
Step 9
If the condition worsens, allergies manifest, consult a pediatrician. It may be necessary to change the drug due to the individual reaction of the body.