In most cases, young babies who are breastfed get enough fluid from breast milk and do not need an additional source of moisture. However, in some cases, for example, when a baby is artificially fed, additional fluid may be needed, in which case you need to visit a pediatrician who will determine how and with what to supplement the baby.

Step 1
An infant who is not yet a year old needs 100 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight every day. You can easily calculate how much water your child needs, knowing his body weight.
Step 2
Buy special baby water in bottles for a child - it differs from an adult in a greater degree of purification and low mineralization. Store water in the refrigerator for no longer than 48 hours.
Step 3
You can also use fruit and vegetable juices to water your baby from four months. Start with a few drops of apple juice that your baby receives before breastfeeding.
Step 4
Gradually bring the volume of juice that the child drinks to 30 ml. After seven months, the baby can be given citrus, strawberry, grape and tomato juices. Up to five months, the child should not be given juices with pulp. Include such juices in the baby's diet only from the age of six months.
Step 5
From the third or fourth month, the child can be given a special herbal tea for children. Brew a teaspoon of dry chamomile in a glass of boiling water, add fructose and brew for five to ten minutes. Do not give your child more than 100 ml of tea per day.
Step 6
Always start with a one-part drink - this will make it possible to quickly identify the allergen if the child has an allergic reaction to an unusual ingredient in juice or tea.
Step 7
Make sure your child is getting enough fluids in hot weather - dehydration can negatively affect his health. During warmer months, regularly give your child fresh, purified water, lightly sweetened with fructose.