All young parents, especially if their first child is growing up, worry about whether their child is developing normally, whether there are any deviations in height, weight, physical and mental development.

Features of the development of a child of two years
In the first years of a baby's life, special attention should be paid to the weight and height of the child, because, most often, his weight will depend on how much your child weighs in the second year of life. If a child is already overweight at this age, most likely, he has the possibility that he will suffer from excess weight in subsequent years.
The same goes for underweight children.
Two-year-old babies are very active and mobile in winter and summer, so it is very important during this period of a child's development to follow the daily routine, because an active baby just needs to rest during the day, and eating at a certain time contributes to his appetite.
How much should a two-year-old child weigh?
No pediatrician will give an exact answer to the question of how much a child should weigh at two years old. This is because the parameters of weight and height are individual for all children. But still, there are certain parameters by which the development of the child is determined.
Deviations from these parameters by no more than 7% are considered the norm.
In the first year of life, babies experience intensive growth and weight gain, while the developmental norms of boys differ somewhat from those of girls.
In the first year of life, boys ideally gain about seven kilograms, and girls about six kilograms. In subsequent years, the rate of weight gain decreases slightly.
A child who recently turned 2 years old should weigh approximately 13 kilograms. But it is worth repeating that weight, just like height, is an individual indicator. And yet, the body weight of a baby at 2 years old should not exceed 14 kilograms and not be less than 11 kilograms, otherwise, the child has deviations - either underweight or overweight.
It should also be borne in mind that due to the fact that children at this age have increased activity, their weight can change, and not only increase, but also decrease. Unless there is a dramatic change, it is most likely not worth worrying about. But if, you notice a sharp jump in the weight of the child - the weight has increased or decreased sharply, you should consult a pediatrician for advice.
Very often, parents are faced with such a situation when the baby's weight differs sharply from the norm. In this case, you need to correctly assess the nutrition of your child, perhaps revise his diet.