All children are unique, so there are no obligatory, standard terms in the stages of their development. Someone begins to roll over, sit down, walk earlier. Someone in an incomplete year already quite confidently pronounces certain words, and someone remains silent even in two years. This is completely normal and natural. However, if the delay is too long, parents should be alert. And when a child, who is just right for school by age, did not even begin to talk, then even the most distant from medicine people understand: he needs to be treated.

Step 1
You need to realize that with requests, pleas like “Well, say at least something! Repeat such and such a word after us”, and even more so with shouts, reproaches, punishments, you will not achieve anything. It will only get worse. For some reason, the child has already formed a persistent unwillingness to talk, and such "methods of treatment" will only exacerbate the situation.
Step 2
Be sure to show your child to a qualified pediatric neurologist. Do your best to get to a truly experienced, knowledgeable professional. Be aware in advance that treatment can be lengthy and difficult. Get an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan of the brain as directed by your doctor to check if the delay in speech is related to a tumor pressing on the area that is responsible for the normal functioning of the speech center.
Step 3
Also take your child to an experienced speech therapist. It doesn't hurt to show it to a psychologist. Inquire about a specialist in advance. Try to have a qualified professional work with your child, and not a graduate of proliferating courses with a minimum of knowledge and excessive self-importance.
Step 4
Carefully analyze your own behavior, the psychological situation in your home. In the medical literature, cases are described when the alleged dumbness of a child was the result of constant psychological pressure, for example, in the asocial behavior of one or both parents.
Step 5
If you hardly communicate with your child, and other children do not play with him (for example, when the family for some reason lives in solitude, practically without contact with strangers), your baby may simply not have developed vocabulary. Talk to him more often, talk about everything that surrounds him, about what you are doing right now. Try to get your little one to interact with their peers more often.